Giving Care: Senior & Disabled Caregiver Resource Blog

Hot Weather Safety Tips for Older Adults

Hot Weather Safety Tips for Older Adults

Seniors’ bodies don’t cope as well with heat as younger people’s bodies do, making them more vulnerable to all sorts of heat-related illnesses. With summer coming up soon, we’re shining a light on the potential hazards of the hotter months and talking about what older


How to Care for Parkinson’s Patients at Home

a Young woman helping an old man to stand up

By ESB Professional / Many people care for loved ones with Parkinson’s at home, especially in the early stages of the disease. If your loved one has recently received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s, you might be overwhelmed and uncertain how to get started with caring


How to Diagnose Parkinson’s Disease

a doctor comforting a senior patient

By Chinnapong / Nearly one million people in the United States alone are currently living with Parkinson’s disease, and about 60,000 people are newly diagnosed each year. Many signs of Parkinson’s start out mild and often go ignored until the disease has progressed. Some symptoms,


What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Parkinson’s?

More than 60,000 people are newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s each year, so if you are in middle or late age, it’s natural to wonder if that tremor in your hand could be a sign of Parkinson’s. Today, we’re diving into the most common symptoms of


How to Make Life Easier with One Arm

a woman with her arm in a sling

By photoshooter2015 / Living with one arm in a world built for people with two arms and hands is not easy. Thankfully, there are tricks you can do and devices you can buy to make everyday tasks a little less difficult with a broken bone.


Questions You Need to Ask When Touring a Nursing Home

a group of seniors playing games together

Choosing a nursing home for your loved one is a big decision. You need to do your research ahead of time and come to the tour armed with a variety of questions to ask. To help get you started, we have compiled this list of


Adaptive Living: One-Handed Dressing Techniques

A man using a long handled shoe horn to put on his shoes

By Motortion Films / Many daily activities become more difficult when you only have the use of one hand, arm or one side of your body, this includes getting dressed and undressed. Having to ask for help with personal routines, such as getting dressed, can


Silverts: Past to Present

Portrays the products of the brand

History 90 years. That’s the age of Silverts Adaptive Clothing brand. It all started in the small town of Ingersoll, Ontario, which at the time in 1930 only had a population of 5,233 people. Originally it was a department store, focused on core wardrobe items and


What’s the Plan for Vaccinating Homebound Seniors?

Clinical professional provides vaccination to a patient's arm.

This past week we saw the opening of the online booking system for vaccinations for those over 80 years old, the next phase in the vaccination strategy here in Ontario, Canada. At 8am the booking system went live and was promptly overwhelmed with demand, with


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